The COVID-19 transformed the business operations

Polina Glukhova
September 6, 2022
digital employee collaboration

McKinsey & Company in their article “Fueling digital operations with analog data” brought up interesting insights about four irreversible shifts that have transformed the operations landscape.

The trigger of these changes is the COVID-19 pandemic that pushed companies to digitalize the way they work. McKinsey & Company concluded in their study that 85% of businesses accelerated the use of technologies to enable digital employee collaboration in the past 2 years.

When providing digital ways of collaboration for your team, you need to ensure that the chosen technology can provide a high level of engagement and enhance productivity in a remote setting. That is where VR collaboration comes in handy. Virtual reality brings teams together in virtual spaces and provides a high level of non-verbal communication for productive conversations.

Virtual collaboration platforms like Glue also provide your team with collaboration tools making your meetings as great as face-to-face.

Source: Fueling digital operations with analog data

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